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Utility Archive · 2025.02.20
[Notice] CADian 2025 version - List of fixes (8.0.11)

Release History


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CADian 2025 version


CADian 2025_8.0.11


- Recovery message window appears and does not open immediately (Taiwan-20130124)

- ZOOM behavior error after change action in FIND

- ARRAY operation error.

- Error when converting closed 2D Polyline to SPLINE in SPLINE.

- Changes in the shape of the radius and diameter dimensions when editing characters

- Error changing the arrow on the dimension line in the Properties window.

- After ADDSELECTED is executed, the command is terminated when proceeding without objection.

- Error applying 'Reset page values to Default' button on symbol and arrow tab in DIMSTYLE Modify window

- After TABLE is created, exit the command and press Enter to not execute the TABLE command.

- Error when executing MATCHCELL aftering a cell in the table first.

- Display 'Invalid input' when entering ESC key during OBJOUT executionion stage

- Request to modify the order of file type items in the Open dialog window

- MENUBAR - EDIT - Copy with Base Point, Paste as Block Menu Request Shortcuts

- MENUBAR - Request to Add All Items to the Edit Menu

- [ODA:CORE-25638] The length value of the HELIX object is displayed differently from the ODA.

- SNAP SPACING is displayed differently than Autodesk.

- Request to add mOde option to EXTEND (TRIM).

- Ribbon Menu - Annotation - Dimensions - An error message is displayed when rotating and the command is terminated.

- Not associated after dimension work.

- When applying the DIMCONTINUE command, it is applied out of alignment with theed dimensional auxiliary line.

- Image object is not output when PLOT command is executed.

- PLOT command execution takes a lot of time.

- Error that cannot be attached as an external reference in the search results window after searching for the design center drawing

- Error in application window after searching for design center drawings

- Error that cannot be copied from the search results window after searching for the design center drawing

- Generating PDF files results in a large file size compared to ACAD - 3.

- If you enter less than the maximum leader points value in MLEADERSTYLE, an Invalid input message is displayed.

- When a PDF file is generated with the PLOT command, it is output differently from the set block area.

- Display status bar error when running UNDOB after data link manager operation of TABLE command

- The STRETCH command does not apply after editing the character of the MLEADER object.

- Leader line changes when moving MTEXT after writing QLEADER or closing after entering editor

- A wildcard once used by FIND, subsequently unavailable error

- Error that changes the text of the character window when modifying the missing text in large font in the character window

- Error with arrow buttons in format view in Plot Style Table Editor in reverse

- When the FILET command is applied to the XLINE object, a processed exception notification window is displayed.

- Search results message output is different than that of Autodesk when FIND does not have a search result

- Model after REFEDIT command applied, batch tab switching attempt not done at once.

- [KOR] 3D object written in facet model mesh - Korean display error in LIST window

- Adding a raytrans command to the ribbon menu

- Running the attached rehumidification file takes a long time.

- Untranslated mOde option to EXTEND (TRIM)

- When multiple indicators are generated, the connection line is generated differently from the specified position.

- Request to add clear Gothic font to alternate font when CVS command is executed

- Error with Unselectable Commands When Adding Alias



CADian 2025_8.0.9


- Region object Massprop details error

- mleaderstyle - Error after entering invalid value for 'Maximum Leader Points' value in Leader Structure tab

- QLEADER 'Always left justify' setting error

- Ribbon menu is displayed differently from AutoCAD when editing table cell in block edit mode

- Length item application is applied differently from AutoCAD when executing QSELECT command

- Hang symptom occurs when moving cursor to specific object

- [ODA:CORE-20323] Error applying ROTATE command to arc alignment text

- Dimension attribute error when creating DIMCONTINUE (or DIMBASELINE)

- Annotation blockion error in DIMSTYLE window

- Object is not highlighted even whened when executing CALCU command

- OLE, image object is not displayed when executing ZOOM using mouse wheel button


- RIBBONCLOSE status - Toolbar error in drawing that has not been BEDIT executed

- SAVE command is applied in a file opened as read-only

- Request to RVTATTACH, IFCATTACH command

- Request to add ARTISAN function

- Serial number field is displayed as blank in ABOUT command

- When editing text of MLEADER object, location moves

- FILLET command is not applied to XLINE object

- FILLET command is not applied when parallel to RAY object

- Error when setting text layer when drawing Excel table is not reflected

- Request to modify QLEADER setting dialog box

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