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Unable to delete entity
I have had 2 times now when I am unable to delete an entity. The first time was a line segment in model space. I could select it, but it would not delete. I couldn""t move it or do anything with it. I tried audit, closing and reopening the drawing and CADian, it still shows up. The second time was a dimension entity in paper space. Same thing, I can select it but it will not delete, can""t move it, can""t change it. I tried audit, closing and reopening the drawing and CADian, it still shows up. I will send the file STD038.dwg to The line segment is between the first and second view, under the AC. It is just a short verticle line on layer 0, but if I try to change the layer, CADian crashes. The second is on layout STD038A. It is the only dimension left on the layout. I can""t do anything with it. Duane Plessinger

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