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Spaces acting like Enter in Script
Hi Im making a SCRIPT for printing documents, but when Im entering a searchpath for a printer looking like this(example): \\SERVER\PRINTERNAME WITH SPACES CADian seems to read *spaces" like *enter* and in the command line I see: Enter an output device name or [?]: \\SERVER\PRINTERNAME <\\SERVER\PRINTERNAME> not found Enter an output device name or [?]: WITH not found Enter an output device name or [?]: SPACES not found Is it possible to make exceptions of *spaces* when entered with a script? When I try using citation (") marks: "\\SERVER\PRINTERNAME WITH SPACES" The whole path is entered, BUT the backslashes ("\") are switched into forward slashes "/", so the path is shown in the command line as: "//SERVER/PRINTERNAME WITH SPACES" ... And in the end my printer cannot be found Any ideas? If I type the searchpath manually in the command line it works fine, I only get this problem when Im trying with a .scr file I dont have this problem in AutoCAD, Thanks! Kristoffer Hogstedt

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