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RE : RE :Issue about DIST command
I'm currently brainstorming a solution for the issue where the DIST command in the estimation work doesn't work with multiple objects as opposed to CAD software. After drawing multiple lines, when I use the TOTALLENGTH command and select the objects, it gives me an error saying the objects are not eligible. Is there any other way to handle this? It's quite inconvenient.
---------------------------❓ Question---------------------------

I'm currently brainstorming a solution for the issue where the DIST command in the estimation work doesn't work with multiple objects as opposed to CAD software. After drawing multiple lines, when I use the TOTALLENGTH command and select the objects, it gives me an error saying the objects are not eligible. Is there any other way to handle this? It's quite inconvenient.

---------------------------🎓 Answer---------------------------
Sorry for the inconvenience.

The suggestion for adding multi-object support to the DIST command has already been reported to the research department.
Regarding your inquiry about the TOTALLENGTH function, if you use it with open-ended multi-line objects, it will display the mentioned message.

Thank you!

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