Hello Hansa, If you install CADian2011, it would be issued through internet automatically without our support alike RESET a CADIan. 1. Move to [www.cadian.com >> Download >> Patch Version] at first. 2. You can come to CADian webhard as mentioned there. 3. There are some CADian versions at webhard. 4. And would you download and install CADian 2011 if your serial No is I14-ooooo-ooooooo ? 5. Now CADian will be executed. (ID and Password will be asked while registering it) Regards, CADian
Hello Hansa, If you install CADian2011, it would be issued through internet automatically without our support alike RESET a CADIan. 1. Move to [www.cadian.com >> Download >> Patch Version] at first. 2. You can come to CADian webhard as mentioned there. 3. There are some CADian versions at webhard. 4. And would you download and install CADian 2011 if your serial No is I14-ooooo-ooooooo ? 5. Now CADian will be executed. (ID and Password will be asked while registering it) Regards, CADian